Household Cleaner Alert: Experts Reveal Its Potential Risk to Your Liver Health

In an effort to maintain cleanliness and comfort in our homes, many of us rely on a variety of cleaning products. However, it’s crucial to be aware that some of these products might be more harmful than beneficial. Despite being readily available on store shelves, certain cleaning products have raised concerns among health experts for their potential to cause liver damage and other serious health issues.
Rug and upholstery cleaners, in particular, have been highlighted by the Cleveland Clinic and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for their potential health risks. These products often contain chemicals like perchloroethylene, naphthalene, and ammonium hydroxide. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “These cleaning products can contain perchloroethylene (used in dry cleaning), naphthalene and ammonium hydroxide.” The fumes from these chemicals are not only harmful to the liver but are also carcinogenic, with the EPA noting their prevalence in dry-cleaning and metal degreasing products.
Sloan Barnett, author of “Green Goes With Everything,” emphasizes the particular danger these toxic fumes pose to young children. “Toxic fumes, principally naphthalene (a carcinogen), are especially dangerous to children who play on carpets after they’re cleaned. The majority of poison exposures from carpet and upholstery cleaners were for children under six,” she states.
Beyond liver damage, exposure to these cleaners can lead to a range of symptoms. The Cleveland Clinic lists “dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, loss of appetite, and disorientation” as possible effects. The EPA further warns that “high-level inhalation exposure of humans to tetrachloroethylene” can result in upper respiratory issues, eye irritation, kidney dysfunction, and neurological effects such as “mood and behavioral changes,” impaired coordination, dizziness, headaches, and even unconsciousness. Chronic exposure can have severe neurological impacts and has been linked to various cancers, including bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.
Fortunately, there are safer alternatives to these harsh chemical cleaners. Using a natural rug shampoo combined with a steam cleaner is a recommended method. According to Better Homes and Gardens, steam cleaning is a “powerful, non-toxic way to clean and sanitize surfaces throughout your home.” They highlight that “the beauty of steam cleaning is that it effectively trades heat for chemicals without sacrificing strength,” capable of eliminating 99.99 percent of germs and bacteria. This method is not only safe and healthy but also environmentally friendly.
For those who still choose to use chemical cleaners, it’s vital to take precautions. Ensure that children and pets are kept away from the cleaning area, wear gloves to prevent skin contact, and reseal containers immediately after use. Allow time for the fumes to dissipate before re-entering the room. “Use these products in well-ventilated areas and try not to breathe the fumes,” advises the Cleveland Clinic. Wearing a mask during cleaning can further reduce the risk of inhaling harmful substances.
If you suspect you’ve been exposed to these chemicals without proper precautions or are experiencing symptoms, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional.
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