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Celebrating Iris Apfel: Fashion Icon’s Secrets to Aging Gracefully



The world lost a vibrant beacon of style and grace with the passing of Iris Apfel on March 1, at the age of 102. Apfel, a New York socialite and fashion icon, was renowned for her flamboyant attire, chunky, statement-making jewelry, and her signature bold spectacles. But there was much more to this “geriatric starlet” than her outward appearance.

At the ripe age of 97, Apfel signed with IMG Models and became a genuine influencer, collaborating with powerhouse brands such as MAC Cosmetics, H&M, Kate Spade, and Ciaté London. In her nineties, Apfel was arguably more active and successful than ever, living proof that age is merely a number, a belief she embraced wholeheartedly.

In a 2021 interview with People on her 100th birthday, Apfel declared, “At 100, what else is there to do except sit around? I don’t play bridge. I don’t play golf. I love to work, and I really enjoy what I do.”

Apfel was always candid about her life and experiences. In the years before her death, she generously shared her secrets for aging with grace and vitality. She emphasized that a long life inevitably comes with wrinkles, but it also requires a positive mindset and a refusal to obsess over one’s age.

“I never think about my age. Maybe that’s the ticket. I never think about it—it’s a passing thought. It’s just a number,” Apfel shared in an interview with CNBC’s Make It.

She acknowledged that aging can bring physical discomfort, but she believed the key to feeling young was to “move beyond the pain.”

“If you want to stay young, you have to think young. Having a sense of wonder, a sense of humor, and a sense of curiosity—these are my tonic,” she said. “They keep you young, childlike, open to new people and things, ready for another adventure. I never want to be an old fuddy-duddy; I hold the self-proclaimed record for being the World’s Oldest Living Teenager and I intend to keep it that way.”

Apfel also stressed the importance of humor during an appearance on Good Morning America. She was a firm believer in the mantra “more is more and less is a bore,” encouraging people to live authentically and not conform to minimalist trends for the sake of others’ preferences.

When it came to her diet, Apfel had long given up unhealthy habits like smoking. “I always eat well; I never eat junk food. I don’t drink soda. I used to smoke four packs a day! But I gave it up; I just quit one day,” she told the New Potato, as reported by Town and Country.

Contrary to many longevity enthusiasts, Apfel didn’t prioritize exercise or alcohol consumption. However, she did place great importance on her appearance, but not in the conventional sense. She loved makeup but was against plastic surgery, preferring to embrace her wrinkles rather than trying to erase them.

“To me, wrinkles are a badge of courage. If God is good to you and gives you all those years, why try to hide it?” she said in her People interview. “It’s so foolish, because after a while you get to look so pinched and nobody is going to think that you’re 27 if you’re 72. You can’t make your hands look younger. And what’s wrong with white hair?”

Apfel believed personal style was “a matter of attitude” and it would be a waste to follow trends that make you look like everyone else. “Your originality is so important,” she emphasized.

Perhaps the most significant piece of wisdom Apfel shared was the importance of living without regret.

In her People interview, she advised, “If you make a federal case out of everything, you’re going to be a wreck. You can’t live in the past, because that’s gone and you can’t make it come back. It was lousy, it’s finished, go on to the next mistake. As my husband used to say, ‘You have one trip, baby, so enjoy it.'”

While we strive to provide the most current information from top experts and health agencies, our content is not a substitute for professional guidance. If you have health questions or concerns, always consult your healthcare provider directly.

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  1. Carol Rardin

    March 28, 2024 at 1:14 pm

    Love her thinking. I’m 87 years young and I have the same philosophy
    as she does. Also thank you for the neck trick, I’ll try it😊

  2. Judy

    April 1, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    What’s the neck trick?

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Discover 18 Proven Strategies to Reduce Your Blood Pressure Naturally




High blood pressure, clinically known as hypertension, is a silent risk factor for severe conditions such as heart disease and stroke. It is typically characterized by a blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg or more. However, even an elevated reading of 120-129 over less than 80 is a signal of impending hypertension. While medications can be beneficial, several lifestyle modifications can also contribute to managing your blood pressure effectively.

The realm of physical fitness provides a solution in the form of both aerobic and resistance exercise. These forms of exercise have been linked to blood pressure management, with the benefits persisting for up to 24 hours post workout. Engaging in a regular exercise regime reinforces the heart, reducing the effort it takes to pump blood and reducing pressure on arteries. The CDC advocates for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, split into approximately 30 minute sessions every day.

“Regular exercise means you regularly increase your heart and breathing rates. Over time your heart gets stronger and pumps with less effort. This puts less pressure on your arteries and lowers your blood pressure.”

Managing your body weight is another crucial step towards a healthier blood pressure. Excess body weight exerts an undue strain on the heart and the cardiovascular system, pushing up blood pressure levels. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is 25 or higher, a weight loss of just 5-10% can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce your risk for other health problems.

The magic of cacao could also be of help, coming packed with flavonoids – an antioxidant that can assist in lowering blood pressure. These flavonoids work by dilating or enlarging your blood vessels. However, the American Heart Association warns that while a little dark chocolate might not be detrimental, the quantity consumed daily is unlikely to deliver enough flavonoids to yield health benefits. Overindulging in chocolate, especially those laden with sugar, fat, and calories, could negate any potential benefits.

An everyday staple, caffeine, has a mixed role in blood pressure regulation. For regular coffee drinkers consuming up to 4 cups daily, there’s typically no subsequent rise in blood pressure. But for non-regular coffee drinkers, even a small amount could hike blood pressure levels. High-caffeine energy drinks, in particular, are associated with increased blood pressure and pose cardiovascular risks.

If you need to lower your blood pressure quickly, resorting to quiet sitting and breathing exercises could help. Those with pre-existing medical conditions may have to rely on their prescribed medication. Immediate medical attention is advised for blood pressure readings exceeding 180/120, classified as a hypertensive crisis and a significant health threat.

“While research suggests that drinking 500ml of water within 2 hours of waking up and another 550ml 2 hours before bedtime may help reduce blood pressure, more research is needed.”

Managing blood pressure is an ongoing process that requires consistent lifestyle adjustments, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and mindfulness of one’s habits. Always consult with your healthcare provider to understand your individual blood pressure targets and the best ways to achieve them.

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Unlock Brain Health Secrets: Everyday Kitchen Staple Can Reduce Dementia Risk




In the quest to mitigate the rising prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, a new study published on May 6 in JAMA Network Open delivers some promising news. It reveals that the daily consumption of about half a tablespoon of olive oil may play a significant role in reducing dementia-related mortality. This study is among the pioneer research works to delve into the relationship between diet and death related to dementia.

The research tracked around 90,000 participants over nearly 30 years, discovering that a daily consumption of seven grams of olive oil was correlated with a decreased mortality risk from dementia. Additionally, replacing mayonnaise or margarine with olive oil appeared to present similar protective effects. These intriguing results were first unveiled on July 23 at NUTRITION 2023, a yearly gathering of the American Society of Nutrition, before being scrutinized and approved by peer review.

“In our study, we see that dietary guidelines recommending vegetable oils like olive oil not only buttress heart health but could also potentially prop up brain health,” proclaims Anne-Julie Tessier, RD, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and the presenting author of the study. “Opting for olive oil, a natural product, instead of fats such as margarine and commercial mayonnaise is a sensible choice which may lower fatal dementia risk.”

Dementia is an overarching term for a series of conditions characterized by a significant impairment in thinking and remembering abilities to the extent that it interferes with daily activities. The most prevalent type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which affects over 6 million Americans and is considered fatal due to its incurability.

The research participants, who were more than 90,000 Americans, were tracked by the study over three decades, with a majority of them being women. Starting from 1990, they provided dietary information every four years which facilitated researchers in understanding their general diet and the frequency of their olive oil consumption. It was found that 4,749 participants died from dementia during the study.

Notably, participants who consumed more than half of a tablespoon of olive oil each day had a 28% lower risk of dying from dementia than those who never or seldom consumed olive oil. Moreover, substituting about one teaspoon of mayonnaise or margarine a day with olive oil led to an 8-14% lower risk of fatal dementia, independent of the overall quality of the diet, as per the researchers.

The research also points out that those who died of dementia were more likely to have the APOe4 gene, which increases Alzheimer’s disease risk and triggers higher cholesterol production in the body. Even after adjusting for this gene, the results remained consistent.

While the research cannot definitively prove that olive oil reduces the risk of fatal dementia due to its observational nature, it does suggest that olive oil may contain beneficial properties for brain health, in addition to its established heart health benefits.

Tessier added, “Some antioxidant compounds in olive oil can cross the blood-brain barrier, potentially exerting a direct effect on the brain. Olive oil might also indirectly benefit brain health by improving cardiovascular health.”

The current Dietary Guidelines for Americans already advocate for the substitution of saturated fats with unsaturated fats like olive oil to decrease harmful LDL cholesterol levels in the blood and curb the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A 2021 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that the same amount of olive oil used in the new study was associated with a 14% lower risk of heart disease compared to no olive oil consumption. Additionally, olive oil has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation and cut down the risk of type 2 diabetes. It has also been associated with an 8–34% lower risk of death from all causes—including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and respiratory diseases—when it replaces other fats like mayonnaise, butter, and margarine.

Despite these promising findings, further research is required to confirm olive oil’s impact on brain health and dementia-related death and to potentially determine the optimal quantity of olive oil intake. However, this new research aligns with existing dietary recommendations and provides further evidence for favoring olive oil over less-healthy fats. It also holds out the possibility that adopting healthy eating habits, including the inclusion of olive oil, can help prevent or slow the progression of dementia.

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Centenarian’s Daily Diet Secrets for a Lifetime of Health




One’s biological clock can’t technically be unwound, but incorporating healthy habits today can potentially extend your lifespan. Consistently sticking to a sleep schedule, consuming a well-rounded diet, and regular physical activity are all fundamental factors for longevity. Other key lifestyle changes, such as limiting alcohol consumption and effectively managing stress, could reduce your risk of developing certain health conditions. Yoshiko Miwa, a 110-year-old supercentenarian, however, suggests her long and healthy life can be attributed to her favorite food group: noodles.

Miwa recently commemorated her 110th birthday with her family at the Gardena Buddhist Church in California. The celebration was graced by the presence of her three sons, 10 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, and a great-great-grandchild.

“I’ve been fortunate that my sons, my grandchildren, my great grandchildren and relatives have always been there for me,” said Miwa in a conversation with after her milestone birthday.

Miwa, a survivor of major historic events including the Spanish Flu, prohibition, Black Tuesday, both World Wars, and Poston Internment Camp, holds the title of the oldest living individual of Japanese lineage in the United States, according to Gerontology Research Group. She is a part of a seven-sibling family, the children of Japanese immigrants. After completing high school, she pursued business studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

When asked about her incredible health at such an advanced age, Miwa attributed it to maintaining a positive mindset and a balanced diet. Despite her age, she continues to stay physically active and monitor her food intake, still managing to enjoy her preferred dishes.

Miwa revealed to that if she had to attribute her longevity to one food group, it would undoubtedly be noodles. She makes it a point to include noodles in her diet at least once every day, and it’s the primary component in many of her favourite meals.

“Today, I like spaghetti, udon, ramen, soba, and any other kind of noodles,” she revealed.

The types of noodles Miwa enjoys vary in preparation. Ramen noodles are typically served in a soup, while udon and soba, both Japanese noodle varieties, can be served hot or cold. Udon noodles are characteristically thicker and made of wheat flour, while soba noodles, similar to spaghetti in size, are created from buckwheat flour, as stated by Japan Guide.

Miwa’s fondness for noodles stems from her childhood memories. Growing up in the Guadalupe Buddhist Church’s children’s home, making and eating noodles became one of her most cherished moments.

“When I was in the children’s home, the cook used to make noodles and I used to love them,” she fondly remembered.

Beyond noodles, Miwa’s longevity is also bolstered by her array of hobbies including reading, sewing, and ikebana (the art of flower arranging). Prioritizing rest and faith also play significant roles in her life. Each week in her care facility, she visits the hair salon and attends religious services every Sunday.

One of her most powerful motivators for living a wholesome life is her family.

“Because my mother died so young, I have never enjoyed the warmth and love of a family unit,” she wrote in her autobiography, according to “Later, when I had my children, I keenly felt the wholesomeness of a complete family.”

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