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Age-Friendly Cities: Best Places to Retire



As we gracefully journey into our golden years, we begin to consider the best places to retire. The ideal city should not only cater to our health and wellness needs but also inspire us to maintain an active, vibrant lifestyle. So, let’s take a virtual tour of some of the most age-friendly cities that tick all these boxes and more.

Boulder, Colorado

First on our list is Boulder, Colorado. Nestled amidst the Rocky Mountains’ majestic peaks, Boulder is a haven for active seniors. The city boasts an impressive network of hiking and biking trails, perfect for those who love cardio workouts in the great outdoors. Plus, Boulder’s emphasis on healthy living is evident in its numerous farmers’ markets and organic food stores, making it a dream come true for nutrition-conscious retirees.

Sarasota, Florida

Next, we jet off to sunny Sarasota, Florida. Known for its serene beaches and warm weather, Sarasota is a popular choice among retirees. But it’s not just the beautiful climate that’s appealing. The city is home to a myriad of wellness centers and yoga studios, offering a holistic approach to health and fitness. Not to mention, Sarasota’s thriving arts scene is a delightful bonus for culture enthusiasts.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

For those who prefer a more metropolitan vibe, Minneapolis, Minnesota, might be the ideal choice. Despite being a bustling city, Minneapolis is surprisingly age-friendly. It offers numerous health facilities, including state-of-the-art gyms and wellness centers specifically designed for seniors. The city also has a robust public transportation system, making it easy for older residents to navigate their way around town.

Portland, Oregon

If you’re a foodie at heart, you’ll fall in love with Portland, Oregon. Known for its vibrant culinary scene, Portland offers a wide array of healthy dining options. From farm-to-table restaurants to cooking classes specializing in nutritious meals, this city is a paradise for retirees who enjoy good food that’s good for them.

San Francisco, California

We can’t forget about San Francisco, California. This city is renowned for its focus on mental wellness, with numerous resources dedicated to mindfulness and positivity. Whether it’s through meditation classes or wellness retreats, San Francisco encourages its residents to prioritize their mental health.

Choosing where to retire is a significant decision, and it’s crucial to find a place that aligns with your health and wellness goals. So, whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a fitness fanatic, a food lover, or a wellness warrior, there’s a city out there waiting to welcome you into your golden years. Remember, age is just a number, and with the right environment, we can continue to live a fulfilling, active life. After all, we’re not just aging—we’re aging well!



  1. Garrett Hines

    January 12, 2024 at 1:27 pm

    What the heck are you smoking???? These are 4 of the WORST places to live for anyone of ANY age let alone a senior citizen. Portland Oregon??! With the homeless and drug addicts everywhere???? Arthritis in a cold place like Colorado or Minnesota? Does this author have a shred of common sense??? And SanFrancisco………..well at least when your depends fail, you can take a dump right on the sidewalk where ever you please. I dont know who penned this mess, but I suggest THEY retire ASAP!

  2. Pete Gordon

    January 12, 2024 at 5:50 pm

    I can’t imagine retiring to any of these locations. The cost of living is enormous in these locations, with the exception of Minneapolis, is staggering. Age may just be a number but so is the cost of living. Crime is higher in all these locations. Well-being and safety is a huge factor in choosing a place to retire.

  3. Raymond Schoenig

    January 13, 2024 at 7:27 am

    This list has to be a joke Portland, Minneapolis, San Francisco crime ridden, homeless and any place in California one of the most expensive States in the Country

  4. nic bargo

    January 16, 2024 at 2:51 pm


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Discovering Sleep Apnea: My Unexpected Path to Restful Nights




In the pursuit of a good night’s sleep, I’ve tried everything from pills to yoga, meditation, and sleep restriction. But the answer to my insomnia may be simpler than I thought.

I recently had a sleep study conducted in my own home by a man named Parthasarathi and his boss Julius. They attached electrodes all over my body, inserted a cannula into my nostrils, and monitored my sleep throughout the night.

“Then all this kit will track how long and deeply I am sleeping, how much I am snoring, how twitchy my legs are, how often I get out of bed, whether I talk, walk or … I don’t know, juggle in my sleep, what’s happening to my blood oxygen levels, what my heart’s doing and, crucially, how well I’m breathing.”

The results were surprising. I discovered that I stopped breathing for at least 10 seconds, 60 times that night. That’s an average of almost 10 times an hour.

Insomnia has been a problem for me for half my life. It increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression, as well as accidents. Most nights I don’t get much more than five hours’ sleep. I wake at least once in the small hours, often twice or more, and if I wake up any time after 4am there’s a good chance I won’t fall asleep again.

Despite my sleep struggles, I’ve managed to lead a productive life. I hold down a good job, I’m married, and I have a family. But the fatigue is mainly mental. I can usually manage a run, or an exercise class, or some yoga, as well as a full day’s work.

I’ve tried countless methods to improve my sleep. From making sure my bedroom is dark and quiet, getting plenty of daylight first thing, getting plenty of exercise, avoiding blue light from screens in the evening, not sleeping next to my phone, and many more.

“Following these rules almost certainly will help you sleep better.”

I’ve also tried meditation/mindfulness, breathing exercises, yoga and tai chi. They all relax you and some you can practise while lying unhappily in bed.

I even tried sleep restriction, a treatment often described as the gold standard. The aim is to create a strong association between your bed and sleep. I endured almost six months of this – during two of which I had weekly phone calls with my local NHS CBTi service.

The process was exhausting and tedious, but did it work? I began to sleep a little longer and with a little less disruption – but I still wasn’t sleeping well. I began to wonder if I ever would.

I’ve also tried various pills and over-the-counter sleep aids. Some worked better than others, but none provided a long-term solution.

A few weeks ago, I spoke to a doctor who had done a lot of work with sleep. He introduced me to the Japanese concept of kaizen, or continuous improvement. He also told me about a new type of sleeping pill called an orexin receptor antagonist.

But the real gamechanger came when I was diagnosed with “moderate obstructive sleep apnoea” after my sleep study. This condition is far more widespread and often less spectacular than I thought.

The treatment may involve a continuous positive airway pressure (Cpap) machine, to feed me air during the night. But there’s a good chance I can avoid it just by sleeping on my side.

I’ve been trying a combination of willpower and a pregnancy pillow for the last week, and so far the signs are good. I’m sleeping better than I have for ages – on my side, obviously – and waking up more refreshed.

After decades of battling insomnia, I think I’ve finally found a solution. I’m actually looking forward to the next 14,000 nights.

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.


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110-Year-Old’s Shares Longevity Secret




Vincent Dransfield, a supercentenarian who recently marked his 110th birthday, has a simple yet effective mantra for longevity: a daily glass of Ovaltine. Dransfield, a former first responder for over eight decades at the local fire department in Little Falls, New Jersey, has always prioritized nourishment. However, he’s managed to maintain his health while still indulging in his favorite treats, including sweets.

“I’ve been very, very, very lucky in my lifetime,” Dransfield shared with

Despite retiring from the firehouse, Dransfield continues to live in the tri-level home he and his late wife bought in 1945. The numerous staircases in his home pose no challenge for this supercentenarian, who still possesses an active driver’s license. A former smoker, Dransfield has successfully evaded major diseases such as cancer and neuro-cognitive disorders like dementia.

His granddaughter, Erica Lista, told, “He drives completely fine—better than some other people I see,” and humorously added that her grandfather is healthier than she is at 49.

So, what’s Dransfield’s secret to longevity? He attributes his long life to bodega coffee and a post-breakfast Ovaltine shake. His daily routine includes a quick drive to the convenience store for a cup of coffee, followed by a stop at the local diner for takeout.

Dransfield’s diet is varied, ranging from hamburgers to salads to Italian dishes. Lista noted that her grandfather doesn’t restrict his diet and occasionally enjoys a beer, although he never indulges in liquor.

“What’s crazy is he was not careful about his diet,” Lista says. “He has eaten whatever he wants. He has never watched his weight. He’s never had to lose weight. He’s always been fit.”

However, one constant in Dransfield’s diet is his daily glass of Ovaltine. This malt drink mix, which supports immune health and provides 12 essential vitamins and minerals per serving according to Nestle, is best enjoyed with a glass of milk, another of Dransfield’s favorite beverages.

Dransfield’s love for milk dates back to the Great Depression when he left school at 15 to work on a dairy farm to support his family. “I was drinking milk and eating well because I worked on a farm. And I often go back and think they gave me a good start in life and for my bones in my body,” Dransfield reflected.

His commitment to his daily Ovaltine serving is so strong that at his 100th birthday party, everyone toasted him with a glass of Ovaltine.

While Dransfield believes that enjoying what you eat is key to longevity, he also emphasized the importance of other nourishing practices such as staying active, pursuing passions, correcting bad habits, and maintaining a positive outlook.

“Knowing people and loving people makes me live longer,” Dransfield said. “I keep positive. I never think any other way when something’s wrong.”

Lista describes her grandfather as an eternal optimist, noting, “He always had such a positive upbeat attitude, even when my grandmother passed away. He lived for her, but he was determined to keep on living.”

“I’m doing fine and I hope the good Lord keeps me that way,” Dransfield concluded with a smile.

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.


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Unlock Better Health: How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?




Sleep is a vital component of our overall health and daily functioning. It’s the fuel that keeps our bodies and minds operating at their best. But how much sleep do we actually need?

The common notion that eight hours of sleep per night is necessary for everyone is not entirely accurate. In fact, the amount of sleep required varies from person to person. While some may need more than eight hours, others may function well with less.

However, it’s important to note that insufficient sleep can have negative impacts on our health. A recent study presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session revealed that getting less than seven hours of sleep per night is linked to a 7% increased risk of developing high blood pressure. Moreover, sleeping less than five hours a night is associated with an 11% higher risk.

“Most people need between seven and nine… That’s where it comes from,” says Shelby Harris, Psy. D., a clinical psychologist specializing in sleep medicine and the director of sleep health at Sleepopolis. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) also recommends that healthy adults should sleep at least seven hours a night on a regular basis for optimal health.

Dr. Molly Atwood, Ph. D., assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Johns Hopkins Medicine, explains that a person’s sleep need is the number of hours they would sleep naturally — without external constraints or alarms — in order to wake up feeling rested and function the next day.

The distribution of sleep needs among adults resembles a bell-shaped curve, with the majority of people requiring between seven to nine hours. However, there are outliers on either side of the median. Dr. Atwood states, “Some people only need six and a half hours of sleep every night, whereas others may need more than nine hours to feel rested and function the next day.”

There are even some individuals who can function normally with just four hours of sleep per night due to a rare genetic mutation. However, these “short-sleepers” represent a tiny fraction of the population.

For the rest of us, regularly sleeping less than seven hours a night can lead to adverse health outcomes, warns the AASM. “When you go below six or seven hours of sleep, you start seeing a stronger association between sleep and health problems or death,” says Dr. Atwood. The risk increases the further you go below seven hours on a regular basis.

Quality of sleep and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule are also crucial. Dr. Andrew Varga, a neuroscientist and physician at the Mount Sinai Integrative Sleep Center, explains that during sleep, the body cycles through four different stages, broken down into REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. Most people go through three to five cycles a night, with the duration of REM sleep getting longer each subsequent cycle later in the night. This is referred to as the body’s “sleep architecture.”

Disruptions or abnormalities in sleep architecture can lead to poor sleep quality and, over time, sleep deprivation. Factors such as sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea, stress, and underlying health conditions can all affect sleep quality.

Occasional sleepless nights are common and usually manageable by catching up on sleep over the next few days. However, chronic sleep deprivation can have serious consequences.

In the short-term, lack of sleep can cause cognitive deficits, such as delayed reaction time, poorer working memory, and difficulty paying attention or completing tasks. Mood can also be affected, with individuals feeling more irritable or down after a night of insufficient sleep.

Long-term, chronic sleep deprivation increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Studies have also shown that people who habitually sleep less than six hours a night have a higher incidence of high blood pressure, kidney disease, and diabetes. It can also impact the immune system and affect metabolic functioning.

Dr. Atwood adds, “There’s more and more data coming out that it can increase your risk of cognitive issues as you get older, such as dementia.” Chronic sleep deprivation is also linked to an increased risk of mental health problems including depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety.

The amount of sleep a person needs changes throughout different stages of life, and will vary slightly depending on the individual and their health, behavior, and environment. The AASM recommends the following sleep durations for different age groups:

* Infants (4 to 12 months) need 12 to 16 hours, including naps
* Children (1 to 2 years) need 11 to 14 hours, including naps
* Children (3 to 5 years) need 10 to 13 hours, including naps
* Children (6 to 12 years) need 9 to 12 hours
* Teenagers (13 to 18 years) need 8 to 10 hours
* Adults need 7 or more hours

You know you’re getting enough sleep if you wake up feeling refreshed and can function throughout the day without feeling an overwhelming need to sleep. If you’re getting the recommended amount of sleep but still feel tired, this could be a sign of poor sleep quality. Signs of poor sleep quality include waking up throughout the night, snoring, and nighttime breathing difficulties.

Getting enough sleep every night can be a challenge due to various factors such as work obligations, school, parenting, lifestyle choices, and poor sleep hygiene. In fact, one-third of adults in the United States report that they usually get less than the recommended amount of sleep.

If you’re struggling to get enough sleep, experts recommend avoiding screens for 30 minutes to one hour before bedtime and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. If you’re still having trouble, it may be beneficial to consult a doctor or a sleep medicine expert.

Let us know what you think, please share your thoughts in the comments below.


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