
Hidden Dangers: 5 Common Supplements That Can Harm Your Liver



Supplements are often seen as a beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle, providing those necessary vitamins and minerals that might be missing from our diets. However, it’s important to remember that not all supplements are created equal. Some can even pose a risk to our vital organs, including the liver.

The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body, as Alyssa Smolen, MS, RDN, a New Jersey-based registered dietician, explains. “Your liver naturally detoxifies the body. That’s its primary job,” she says. “However, too much of certain substances can harm the body’s ability to do this—including specific supplements that can interfere with this process.”

Given this, medical professionals emphasize the importance of monitoring what we consume and reducing or eliminating anything that could be harmful. Here are five supplements that could potentially damage your liver, as per doctors’ advice.

Green tea, while a popular beverage, can also be found in extract form as a supplement. However, Leann Poston, MD, a licensed physician and health expert for Invigor Medical, warns that it can cause liver injury in some individuals. “Unfortunately, it is currently unknown why it causes liver damage in some people and not others,” she reveals.

Sarah Alsing, MS, RD, owner of Delightfully Fueled, further cautions that green tea extract is often an ingredient in diet pills. “If you are looking into supplements advertised for weight loss, then make sure you read the label to see if it’s an ingredient,” she advises.

Black cohosh, a traditional herbal remedy often used to treat menopause symptoms, has also been linked to liver injury. “There have been case reports that link the herbal supplement black cohosh to liver injury,” says Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, MD, medical expert and CEO of Dr. Nesochi internal medicine practice. “However, more studies are needed to further investigate the use of this supplement with potential hepatotoxicity.”

Niacin, or vitamin B3, is essential for the body to convert food into energy, produce stress-related hormones, and improve circulation, according to Alsing. “It also aids with cholesterol control,” she adds. However, she warns that “high doses of niacin can damage the liver and affect coagulation, which is the body’s way of preventing excessive bleeding.”

Ground kava root, traditionally used in the Polynesian islands as a relaxation aid, can also be harmful to the liver when consumed in high amounts. “Just like alcohol, it can be harmful to the liver when consumed in high amounts,” warns Danielle Arnold, MS, LDN, clinical support specialist at Designs for Health. “In fact, some tradition states that kava was originally chewed and spit out because enzymes in the spit deactivate some of the liver-toxic compounds it contains.”

Finally, Vitamin A, while essential for vision and immunity, can cause liver damage when taken in excessive amounts. “Vitamin A doses that fall within the recommended daily allowance (RDA) are not associated with liver injury,” says Poston. “However, doses more than 100 times the RDA can cause acute liver injury. Excessive vitamin A can damage specialized liver cells, causing liver scarring and injury.”

While this information is based on expert advice and research, it’s always best to consult with your healthcare provider directly regarding any concerns about your medication or health.

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