
Unlocking the Mystery of Weight-Loss Plateaus: New Research Insights



In the initial stages of your weight loss journey, you may notice a rapid drop in your weight. However, this pace is not sustainable and eventually, your weight loss will slow down and may even seem to halt altogether. This is a common occurrence regardless of the weight loss method you choose, be it medication like Ozempic, weight-loss surgery, or traditional methods like diet and exercise. The timing of this weight-loss plateau, however, can be influenced by the method you choose. Recent research provides insight into this timeline and offers strategies to overcome this plateau.

“Every obesity intervention eventually results in a body weight plateau, after which no further weight loss occurs,” stated Kevin Hall, PhD, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). His study, published in the journal Obesity on April 22, aimed to determine when people reach a weight-loss plateau based on their chosen weight loss method.

Hall’s findings indicate that the timing of the plateau varies depending on the method used. He utilized data from various clinical trials to develop a mathematical model that predicts when weight loss is likely to stall.

According to his research, those who relied solely on calorie restriction to lose weight reached a plateau earlier than others, typically around the 12-month mark. “As you lose weight, your metabolism declines, causing you to burn fewer calories than you did at your heavier weight,” the experts at the Mayo Clinic explain. “To lose more weight, you need to either increase your physical activity or decrease the calories you eat. Using the same approach that worked at first may maintain your weight loss, but it won’t lead to more weight loss.”

On the other hand, those who used weight-loss drugs like semaglutide (Wegovy and Ozempic) or tirzepatide (Zepbound and Mounjaro) were able to continue losing weight for a longer period, with their plateau typically occurring around the two-year mark.

The longest duration of weight loss was observed in those who underwent weight-loss surgery. According to Hall’s research, these individuals typically experienced about three years of weight loss before reaching their plateau.

Regardless of the method used, all groups eventually reached a point where they stopped losing weight. “What’s happening is that they still experience an increase in appetite, the more weight that they lose,” Hall explained to CNN. “If they had no appetite circuit, in other words, the drug just kind of kicked in and their intake stayed at this very low level. It would take many, many years for them to reach a plateau and they would lose, you know, an exorbitant amount of weight.”

So, what can you do to continue your weight-loss journey once you’ve hit this plateau? Hall suggests combining different methods. “Another very common thing now is that people who didn’t lose as much weight from bariatric surgery as they thought, will go on one of the GLP-1 receptor agonist so they’re adding interventions on top of each other,” he told CNN.

However, Hall emphasizes that maintaining healthy habits is the most crucial aspect of continuing your weight-loss journey, regardless of the methods you choose. “A persistent effect is required to maintain the weight loss,” he shared. “The whole point here is that whatever you do, you have to keep doing it. And so you’ve gotta be happy with that lifestyle intervention for the rest of your life. Otherwise, it’s not going to have the added benefit.”

Remember, while we strive to provide the most current information from top experts and new research, our content should not replace professional guidance. Always consult your healthcare provider directly for advice about your medication or any other health-related concerns.

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1 Comment

  1. Glen Jensen

    April 26, 2024 at 3:48 pm

    I have gone from 333 lbs to 210. Over several years. Used a whole combinations of methods including intermittent fasting successfully, various drug regimens, exercising steadily, eating healthier, lowering stress, sleeping well. Been through plateaus. Appreciate hearing your about these studies. Much appreciated.

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