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Foods to Skip for Better Senior Health According to Experts



As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes that affect how we process and respond to different foods. Dr. Amit Shah from the Mayo Clinic emphasizes, “The number one thing that happens with aging is [that] your physiology changes, your body composition changes, [and] everything is processed a bit differently.” This means that certain foods, which might have been harmless or even beneficial in our younger years, can become detrimental to our health as we grow older. Here are 15 foods that seniors should consider avoiding to maintain optimal health.

Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice can interfere with medications used to treat high cholesterol, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and high blood pressure. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) notes, “You wouldn’t expect grapefruit to be on a list of foods to avoid after 60, but the juice of a grapefruit can interfere with medications.” It’s better to opt for other fruit juices like orange, cranberry, and tomato in moderation.

Sugar-Packed Drinks

Drinks high in sugar, such as sodas, teas, and coffees, can be particularly harmful. Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, points out, “For example, the 16-ounce chai latte at Starbucks, one of its most popular drinks, has 42 grams of sugar.” Regardless of how “pure” or “natural” a drink claims to be, sugar is still sugar.

Hidden Sugars

Hidden sugars are often found in everyday items like pasta sauces, yogurt, granola bars, instant oatmeal packets, and breakfast cereals. Nancy Farrell Allen from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics warns, “Excess sugar can put stress on organs such as the pancreas and liver, which can increase blood sugar and blood triglyceride levels and raise the risk of fatty liver disease.”

Artificially Sweetened Sodas

Diet sodas are linked to numerous health issues, including obesity, sugar cravings, and depression. Bethesda Health reports, “A recent study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine suggests that routinely drinking these artificially sweetened soft drinks may do even more serious damage: they could increase your risk of vascular events like a heart attack or stroke.”

Undercooked Eggs

Consuming undercooked eggs can lead to food poisoning, which is particularly dangerous for seniors. Sun Health Communities states, “Undercooked foods such as eggs, meat, poultry and sushi can cause food poisoning, which can trigger sepsis and septic shock.”

Sugary Yogurt

While plain yogurt is beneficial, sugary versions are not. Dr. Colleen Christmas from Johns Hopkins explains, “Plain yogurt is actually good for you, especially Greek yogurt, which is higher in protein and lower in fat. But when it’s sweetened, you’ve [taken] a really healthy food and made it unhealthy.”

Deli Meats

Deli meats often contain high levels of sodium and additives. Registered dietitian Alyssa Smolen advises, “If people want to have deli meat, they should choose a low-sodium option or get meat that is freshly cut from the deli.”

Excessive Caffeine

Too much caffeine can disrupt sleep, increase anxiety, and cause irregular heartbeats. Sun Health Communities notes, “Caffeine not only keeps many people from getting a good night’s sleep, it may increase anxiety and make your heart beat more quickly or irregularly.”

Fried Foods

Fried foods are high in trans fats, hydrogenated oils, and tropical oils, which can raise cholesterol and are linked to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The NCOA explains, “They’re also often loaded with calories, which can lead to increased calorie intake, weight gain, and obesity.”

High-Sodium Foods

A diet high in sodium can lead to fluid retention, high blood pressure, and increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. The NCOA advises, “The American Heart Association recommends no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day for most adults, especially those with hypertension.”

Foods Heated in Plastic

Heating food in plastic can cause harmful chemicals to leach into the food. Harvard Health warns, “When food is wrapped in plastic or placed in a plastic container and microwaved, substances used in manufacturing the plastic (plasticizers) may leak into the food.”

Ultra-Processed Foods

Ultra-processed foods like frozen pizza are linked to numerous health issues, including a higher risk of dementia. Registered dietitian Jordan Hill suggests, “One alternative to frozen pizza is ordering a pie from your local fresh-made pizza shop.”

Canned Soup

Not all canned soups are bad, but many contain high levels of sodium and unhealthy additives. Dr. Amit Shah notes, “People love soup, but it has a day-plus of sodium in one cup. And sodium is a really important thing to pay attention to if you have congestive heart failure, prior heart attacks or have stiffening of the heart.”

Processed Meats

Processed meats like sausages and hot dogs are high in sodium and preservatives, which can increase the risk of heart disease and other health issues. Opt for fresh, lean meats instead.


Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to numerous health problems, including liver disease and increased risk of falls. It’s best to limit alcohol intake and consult with a healthcare provider about safe levels of consumption.

Making informed dietary choices is crucial for maintaining health and well-being as we age. By avoiding these 15 foods, seniors can better manage their health and reduce the risk of various age-related conditions. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized dietary advice.

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